Measure What Matters: Assessing the Financial Health of Rights Management Vendors


There are myriad benefits to outsourcing aspects of the intellectual property lifecycle –– from real-time access to mission-critical data to end-to-end visibility and streamlined workflows. But if a vendor is not financially stable, your business has the potential to be exposed to operational and reputational risk.

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of assessing financial stability in rights management vendors
  • Potential risks of working with a financially unstable vendor
  • Eight risk management questions that you can’t afford to ignore


Contact us to request a demo and experience how FilmTrack has the simplest and most powerful end-to-end rights management solutions in the entertainment industry.

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FilmTrack's Contracts & Availabilities Manager

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FilmTrack's Financials Manager

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FilmTrack's Brand Licensing Manager

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