Our industry experts weigh in on today's fast changing entertainment landscape. 

Adjusting Royalty Models for Emerging Technologies

As technology evolves, new avenues open up to monetize your content. However, with these opportunities comes an increase in the complexity of rights and royalty management. The recent writers’ strike

How FAST Channels Are Reshaping Licensing Revenue Management

FAST channels are changing the license revenue environment and providing new opportunities. With revenue forecast to grow at an incredible rate, media companies have new monetization options that

No Penny Left Behind: How To Maximize Royalties

Whether you’re managing a handful or thousands of titles, royalties and licensing can be very complex. Spreadsheets, manual accounting, and basic management simply cannot keep up with modern royalty

🎬 FilmTrack Heads To the American Film Market Nov 2022

The American Film Market (AFM) returns to Santa Monica November 1–6 for its 43rd market. Touted as a place where you can meet more decision-makers in one week than you could see all year, AFM brings

How To Successfully Manage Star Royalties And Entertainment Rights

Managing license compliance is a challenging and complex process. But when you add to that responsibility overseeing top-caliber celebrities with high-volume product license inquiries, the risks

Hidden Gems: Uncover Lucrative Revenue Streams in Your Content Library

The rights management landscape has always been a complicated place with availability restrictions based on language, territory, global currencies, and other variables. However, the advent of

The Benefits of Brand & Product Licensing

In the world of business, partnerships are often the best recipe for success. Whether your business is looking to get off the ground, looking for new streams of revenue, or has hit a plateau and is

KEYNOTE CONVERSATION: The Fin-Tech Side of RightsTech at DEW2021

The Fin-Tech Side Of RightsTech: Modernizing Payment Of Royalties And Residuals ‍

Establishing a Single Source of Truth for Royalties, Participations, and Advanced Financials

Media and entertainment businesses consist of various moving parts. Sales teams require accurate, granular availabilities reports to clearly identify and exploit every revenue opportunity.

4 Ways Contract Management Software Can Transform Business Operations

Digital disruption is no longer “new news” to the media and entertainment industry. Stories describing massive influx of new players on the scene, content catalogs quadrupling in size, and customer